Apple Mac OS X Printer Settings for HP Color LaserJet CP1215 $ /Applications/Utilities/Print Setup Utility. I bought a HP Color LaserJet CP1215 for a publishing project some years ago and left it with my partner in the publishing prject for a few years. It works nicely on his PC but he has has since mislaid the installation disk. He has given it back to me along with numerous unused toner cartridges (expe. HP Printers - macOS and OS X Compatible Printers This document is for HP printers and Apple macOS or OS X operating systems. Check to see if a driver or app is available to use your HP printer with a Mac computer or laptop.

  1. Hp Color Laserjet Cp1215 Driver For Mac Os X 10.13
  2. Hp Color Laserjet Cp1215 Driver For Mac Os X Installer

Hp Color Laserjet Cp1215 Driver For Mac Os X 10.13

Hp color laserjet cp1215 mac os x driver download

In 2009 I got a HP Color LaserJet CP1215. Unfortunately this printer is not compatible with OS X. Three years ago I managed to install the printer by using open source tools and drivers. However, since I got a new MacBook Pro I needed to reinstall the printer and, of course, some things changed.

In order to remember the stuff I just did I will now shortly describe the process. However, I will not provide support if you struggle installing the printer.

If you upgraded to OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and your printer stopped working please see the update at the end of this article.

  1. You need GCC to compile C code. In my opinion the best way to get GCC is to install Xcode from the Mac App Store. In Xcode you have to install the Command Line Tools (Preferences > Downloads > Components).
  2. You also need Homebrew to install some libraries.
  3. Open a Terminal window and install wget and gnu-sed.
  4. Download and install Ghostscript, Foomatic RIP and HIPJS for Mac OS X.
  5. Terminal:
  6. Open the CUPS web interface: http://localhost:631
  7. Add a printer by clicking on Adding Printers and Classes and then Add Printer. Enter your Mac OS X user name (must be an administrator) and your password.
  8. Select the printer (I connected the printer to my AirPort Express and it showed up in the list automatically) and click the submit button.
  9. Enter a name and description and submit the form again.
  10. Select HP
  11. Select HP Color LaserJet CP1215 Foomatic/foo2hp (en)
  12. Click on Add Printer
  13. Set Color Mode to Color and Bits Per Plane to 2 Bits Per Plane. Submit.
  14. Done.

Update August 26th, 2012: OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

When I upgraded to OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, the printer stopped working. However, I could easily resolve this by repeating steps 4 and 5. I did not uninstall anything, I simply downloaded the latest version of Ghostscript, Foomatic RIP, HIPJS and foo2zjs.

Hp Color Laserjet Cp1215 Driver For Mac Os X Installer